SUNTORY Hakushu Terrace

 2024.9/ Delivered
Hokuto,Yamanashi,Japan/ Location

Hideki Makiguchi / Photographer

サントリー白州蒸溜所50周年事業として、Tasting Loungeに続き、「Hakushu Terrace」を設計しました。以前は「ホワイトテラス」というレストランがあった敷地に、新たに木造2層のレストランを建設しました。

サントリー白州蒸溜所は山梨県北杜市白州町に位置し、小淵沢駅から車で約15分の場所にあります。敷地内にはウイスキー蒸留施設、博物館、Tasting Lounge、ギフトショップが併設されており、蒸溜所見学も可能で、一日中楽しむことができる総合施設となっています。


「Hakushu Terrace」が建てられた敷地は森の保護エリア内にあり、既存のフットプリント(建築の基礎面積)を変えない設計が求められました。1階にはレストランが設けられ、2階ではフリースペースとして飲食できるようテイクアウトカウンターを設置しました。2階は森の緑、風、光を感じられる開放的な空間となっています。





As part of the Suntory Hakushu Distillery’s 50th-anniversary project, MMA designed “Hakushu Terrace” following the completion of the Tasting Lounge. A new two-story wooden restaurant was built on the site of the former “White Terrace” restaurant.

The Suntory Hakushu Distillery is located in Hakushu Town, Hokuto City, Yamanashi Prefecture, approximately a 15-minute drive from Kobuchizawa Station. The distillery grounds include whiskey production facilities, a museum, a Tasting Lounge, and a gift shop, and visitors can also take guided tours of the distillery. It is a place where you can spend an entire day enjoying various activities. Additionally, Suntory is committed to forest conservation, and the distillery site includes a “Bird Sanctuary,” a richly forested area where a variety of wild birds can be observed throughout the year, providing a unique experience of harmony with nature.

The front of the grounds offers a stunning view of Kaikomagatake (Mt. Kaikoma), and the site, situated at an elevation of 700 meters, is surrounded by the clear air and expansive 820,000 square meters of lush forest. This setting has earned it the nickname “Forest Distillery.” Located in such a rich natural environment that produces the pristine and high-quality water of Hakushu, the distillery embodies Suntory’s dedication to the preservation of nature and water.

The site for Hakushu Terrace faces the Bird Sanctuary and is part of a forest conservation area, necessitating a design that did not alter the existing footprint. The first floor features a restaurant, while the second floor offers a free space with a takeout counter, allowing visitors to enjoy food and drinks. The second floor is designed as an open area where visitors can feel the greenery, breeze, and sunlight of the surrounding forest.

The two-story structure incorporates horizontal openings to minimize visual bulk, while materials such as copper, wooden columns, and plaster with straw inclusions were chosen to blend seamlessly with the natural surroundings. The design allows the greenery of the Bird Sanctuary to be visible through the building’s exterior, integrating it into the overall aesthetic alongside the façade materials.

The first floor includes a takeout counter, entrance, and a corridor connecting the flow to the second floor. By creating layers of outdoor, semi-outdoor, and indoor spaces, the design offers a sense of spatial diversity. The restaurant itself provides three seating options: table seating, sofa seating, and terrace seating. The design highlights the live-action feel of the pizza oven and kitchen, while a narrower opening conceals cluttered areas, offering a clean yet dynamic view of the kitchen.

The second-floor free space is inspired by a park, providing an outdoor-like area accessible to all. The façade’s plaster finish extends into the interior, creating a cohesive design. Bench seating and counter seating are available, allowing visitors to choose their preferred spot freely. Additionally, an open atrium connects the first and second floors, with this area serving as a lantern-like light fixture for the second floor.

The result is a restaurant where visitors can enjoy the natural beauty of Hakushu from any seat.