2023.10 / Delivered
Hokuto,Yamanashi,Japan/ Location

Hideki Makiguchi / Photographer

サントリー白州蒸溜所50周年という記念の年に合わせ、Tasting Loungeを設計しました。
このサントリー白州蒸溜所は北杜市白州町に位置し、小淵沢の駅から車で15分程の場所にあります。敷地内にはウイスキーを製造する施設、博物館、Tasting Lounge、そしてギフトショップがあり、蒸溜所見学も可能。施設全体で1日中楽しく過ごせる場所です。

Tasting Loungeは工場敷地内に位置し、元々は様々な用途で使われるホールのような場所でした。今回その場所を改修し、”ウイスキーを緑豊かな環境で楽しんでもらう為の場所”へと新たに作り変えました。
Tasting Loungeから見える自然を主役に、印象的な仕掛けをいくつか設計の中に取り入れました。
当初掃き出し窓だった正面の窓は、Tasting Loungeを囲む木々を綺麗に見せる為のピクチャーウィンドウになるように刷新しました。

デザインの各所にMMA Inc.らしい素材へのこだわりも感じてもらえるような仕掛けも施しました。
施設内全体のトーンは、明るく落ち着いた印象になるように工夫し、自然素材をメインに現地で産出される素材や再利用材を使用することで、素材というアプローチからも白州蒸溜所のストーリーも感じてもらえる空間に仕上がりました。季節によって移り変わる自然の景色を取り込むTasting Loungeを、四季折々で楽しんでもらえます。

In commemoration of the 50th anniversary of Suntory Hakushu Distillery, MMA Inc. has worked alongside Suntory to design and create a dedicated TASTING LOUNGE facility. Situated in Hakushu, Hokuto City, Yamanashi a 15-minute drive from Kobuchizawa Station, the Tasting Lounge offers guests a memorable experience surrounded by nature. Within the premises, visitors are free to explore the whisky distillery, museum, restaurant, tasting lounge and giftshop, or participate in an industrial tour, ensuring an enjoyable day-long retreat.
Suntory is commited to environmental conservation and has incorporated a bird sanctuary within the Hakushu factory premises - a protected forest where a variety of birds can be observed throughout the four seasons, allowing visitors to experience the distillery as one with nature. Situated beside Mt Kaikomagatake, both the clear air at its 700m altitude and the vast forest of approximately 820,000m², mean that the site is also known as the ‘distillery in the forest’.

The Hakushu distillery is located amidst a lush environment which produces clear, high-quality water nurtured in the Hakushu region, allowing visitors to experience the nature and water that Suntory is committed to.

Positioned within the factory grounds, the Tasting Lounge has been meticulously designed, transforming a multipurpose hall into a space dedicated to enjoying whisky in a verdant setting. The design of the Tasting Lounge places the natural surroundings as the focal point, allowing guests to feel connected to the environment from within the space.
Upon entering, visitors are greeted by a large viewing window, showcasing the vibrant greenery that surrounds the facility. This refreshing view complements the atmosphere, making the lounge a place to appreciate nature's beauty whilst savoring the taste of Suntory’s whisky.
12-meter wooden counter has been placed in front of the viewing windows. The counter, finished in a deep ink hue, enhances the natural scenery, whilst also preventing reflected light from obscuring the view.
Additionally, the installation of an aluminum drop ceiling above the counter incorporates the outdoor greenery by reflecting shifting light and the forest's natural hues into the interior space.
Whilst maintaining functionality for events with a larger audience, the space has been thoughtfully divided into two scenes: counter seating and table seating, whilst also retaining the high ceiling and dynamic composition of the space. To enrich the experience, an installation by SiinSiin narrates the story of the Hakushu area, adding depth to the space and creating a more engaging environment. 

MMA Inc. is particular about materials. The design of the Tasting Lounge features various elements that communicate this to the viewer. Wood, repurposed from whisky barrels, is incorporated into the design of the counter and various tables, allowing visitors to experience a physical connection with the story and history of Suntory’s Hakushu distillery.
Custom glass lighting fixtures above the counter, crafted by GGG, draw inspiration from our initial visit to the Hakushu Distillery, referencing the stunning views of Kaikomagatake, the main peak of the Northern Alps. These fixtures also serve a functional role in distinguishing between the service area and customer space.
The front glass installation, also created by GGG, exhibits the natural texture of glass, reminiscent of the neighboring rivers, evoking the colours of the waters of the Northern Alps.
The walls, both at the front and back of the expansive space, have been meticulously finished with black clay by the skilled plaster craftsman Mr. Tatsuya Tokura, imparting a refined yet dynamic quality to the surroundings. Additionally, the white floor, where SiinSiin's installation is showcased, is created from crushed granite sourced in Hakushu, plastered, and finely polished for its final finish.
The overall ambiance of the facility is carefully designed to emanate a bright yet tranquil atmosphere, utilizing natural materials sourced locally and incorporating reused elements throughout the space. The TASTING LOUNGE captures and embraces the beauty of the changing seasons, inviting guests to enjoy the breathtaking natural landscapes throughout the year.